安塞腰鼓: 黄土高原上最狂飙的舞
2024-12-30 20:35:37
Edinburgh Festival: Biggest arts festival in the world begins
The gala performance of Macro is sold out 上图:Macro的晚会表演票售罄 图片来源,达西·格兰特
Thousands of performers from across the world are in Edinburgh for the start of the world's biggest arts festival.
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe will see more than 3,000 shows from 58 countries mark its 75th anniversary.
其阵容将包括喜剧演员Frankie Boyle,Stewart Lee和Al Murray。
Its line-up will include comedians Frankie Boyle, Stewart Lee and Al Murray.
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo returns, while the Edinburgh International Festival will have live audiences for the first time since the pandemic.
爱丁堡艺穗节协会主席(Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society)、Fleabag明星菲比·沃勒-布里奇(Phoebe Waller-Bridge)表示,艺术节的新愿景将使整个活动更具包容性和可及性。
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, the Fleabag star who is president of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, said its new vision would make the whole event more inclusive and accessible.
爱丁堡国际艺术节随后在默里菲尔德体育场以实体剧团Gravity & Other Myths举办的免费的Macro盛会开幕。
The Edinburgh International Festival opens later with a free gala event, Macro, by physical theatre firm Gravity & Other Myths at Murrayfield Stadium.
In Macro, a 30-strong troupe team up with the National Youth Choir of Scotland. There will be music, projections, drums, a huge light display as well as acrobatics and dance.
A free finale gala by the Philadelphia Orchestra on the final weekend at the Playhouse will close the international festival.
Macro - by circus and physical theatre company Gravity & Other Myths
上图:Macro - 由马戏团和实体剧团Gravity & Other Myths制作 图片来源,爱丁堡国际艺术节
The finale gala will also be beamed live into the Ross Bandstand in Princes Street Gardens.
Dreamachine, part of Unboxed: Creativity in the UK, is another free immersive event during the festival using light and sound to explore the potential of the human mind.
它由Collactive Act创建,由爱丁堡科学公司呈现,汇集了特纳奖获奖艺术家Assemble,格莱美和水星奖提名的音乐家和作曲家Jon Hopkins,以及一支由先进的技术专家,科学家和哲学家组成的团队。
It has been created by Collective Act, presented by Edinburgh Science, and brings together Turner Prize-winning artists Assemble, Grammy and Mercury nominated musician and composer Jon Hopkins, and a team of leading technologists, scientists and philosophers.
乌克兰自由管弦乐团还将于周六在Usher Hall举办一场免费音乐会。
The Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra will also perform a free concert at the Usher Hall on Saturday.
在加拿大 - 乌克兰指挥家Keri-Lynn Wilson的带领下,这场特别音乐会还向苏格兰的乌克兰社区发出了邀请。
Led by Canadian-Ukrainian conductor Keri-Lynn Wilson, the special concert is extending its invitation to the Ukrainian community in Scotland.
People can watch performers in Edinburgh's High Street during the event
Meanwhile the Fringe holds its first full programme of events since 2019.
除了苏格兰最受欢迎的Frankie Boyle之外,其阵容还将包括漫画家Josie Long,Phil Wang,Reginald D Hunter和Nish Kumar。
As well as Scottish favourite Frankie Boyle, its line-up will feature fellow comics Josie Long, Phil Wang, Reginald D Hunter and Nish Kumar.
其他大牌包括出演新版《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)的伊恩·麦凯伦爵士(Sir Ian McKellen)、《加速飙车(Drag Race)》的主演比安卡·德尔·里奥(Bianca Del Rio)和金克斯季梅(Jinkx Monsoon),以及quizzer和喜剧演员保罗·辛哈(Paul Sinha)。
Other big names include Sir Ian McKellen, who is starring in a new production of Hamlet, Drag Race starts Bianca Del Rio and Jinkx Monsoon, and quizzer and comedian Paul Sinha.
This year's Fringe Street Events will be extended to new locations in St Andrew Square and St James Quarter.
Organisers said issues tackled this year will include refugees, race, women's safety, disability, mental health and climate change.
Sir Ian McKellen is starring in a new production of Hamlet in Edinburgh
爱丁堡艺术节艺穗会(Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society)首席执行官绍纳·麦卡锡(Shona McCarthy)表示:“在经历了过去两年的挑战之后,庆祝艺穗节展出的作品的多样性比以往任何时候都更加重要,这些作品涵盖了戏剧,舞蹈,马戏团,形体戏剧,喜剧,音乐,音乐剧,歌剧,歌舞表演,综艺,儿童表演,口语, 展览和活动等各种类型。
Shona McCarthy, chief executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, said: "After the challenges of the last two years, it feels more important than ever to celebrate the diverse selection of work on display at the Fringe, spanning the genres of theatre, dance, circus, physical theatre, comedy, music, musicals, opera, cabaret, variety, children's shows, spoken word, exhibitions and events.
"Venues, producers and artists have created an amazing array of performances and events which dig into some of the most topical themes being discussed in the world today.
"This is an opportunity for us all to laugh, cry, celebrate and be entertained together, living in this one incredible moment and looking ahead to the future of the Fringe and the many momentous moments yet to come."
爱丁堡市议会主席Cammy Day说:“对于艺穗节来说,这是非常特殊的一年,不仅因为艺穗节迎来了世界各地的艺术家和表演者的热闹的回归,也作为这个节日非凡的75周年的纪念。
Cammy Day, City of Edinburgh Council leader, said: "This is a very special year for the Fringe, not only does it see the return of a jam-packed programme of artists and performers from across the globe, it is also marks 75 years of this remarkable festival."
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